from wikipedia...
Genre from French, genre, "kind" or "sort", from Latin: genus (stem gener-), Greek: genos, γένος) is the term for any category of literature as well as various other forms of ART or culture, e.g., music, based on some loose set of stylistic criteria. Genres are formed by conventions that change over time as new genres are invented and the use of old ones are discontinued. Often, works fit into multiple genres by way of borrowing and recombining these conventions.
While the scope of the word "genre" is commonly confined to art and culture, it also defines individuals' interactions with and within their environments. In order to be recognized as genre these interactions and environments must be recurring.
In addition to genres and non genre art/writing/music, there are also sub genres within each main genre and, increasingly, art/writing/music that counts as multi-genre or cross genre, meaning that it fits into more than one genre equally.
Bending, mashing-up collaging, appropriating, remixing, using derivative works etc.. all popular contemporary engagements with genre....

click here for art genre guide...its BIG e.g (this is just the A's)
Aboriginal Art
Abstract Art
Abstract Expressionism
Academic Art
Aesthetic Movement
American Abstract Artists
American Modernism
American Scene Painting
American Sculpture, 19th Century
American Still Life Painting, 1800-1900
Antwerp Mannerism
Art Abstrait

Art Brut
Art Contemporain
Art Deco
Art Madi
Art Nouveau
Arte Nucleare
Arte Povera
Arte Programmata
Artistas Modernos de la Argentina
Artistic Forum
Arts and Crafts
Ashcan School
Association of American Painters and Sculptors
Automatistes, Les

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